Sunday, October 19, 2008

Creating/Displaying Recent Post

You can generate a Javascript to put into your Page Element to display any number of posts you want, including all. Go to The script generator.

You will have to enter the feed URL for your blog which will take the form of or or
(substituting "yourblog" with the actual URL of your blog)

If you select the number of items to display to zero, then all the posts will be listed. I have limited it to 8 as showing all posts will give a very long list. Putting "Show item descriptions?" as 0 will give no description, 1 will give full description, and n>1 will display the first n characters of the description. The rest are self-explanatory.

copy the generated script, go to the Layout of your blog, click "Add a Page Element", then select HTML/Javascript, and paste the script into the pop-up window. In the pop-up for the "Add a Page Element" widget, put in the TITLE "List of Post" so that your list of post will have a visible heading.


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